Do you wish you had more time to read, keep up with the latest bestsellers or rediscover the classics? If your life goes by too fast for a relaxing read on the sofa, why not try an audio book? The latest MP3 technology has made the audio book more popular than ever with a vast number of titles available today, often with famous name actors reading them. You can listen to your audio book on long car drives or during your daily commute, on your iPod while out running or at the gym.
An audio book is exactly what it sounds like – a published book read aloud and recorded. It sticks to the text of the book, so you are hearing just what is printed in the original book. It can be read by one person, or by a variety of actors reading the dialogue of the different characters.
The latest Mp3 technology has freed up the world of audio books considerably. Whereas a book used to take up several cassettes or CDs, a long novel can now be compressed onto only a couple of CDs or into a manageable download.
You have two great, affordable options available to access a huge library of audio books online.
1. You can join on online audio book rental service that...