Yellow Pages Ad Campaign is an excellent advice if you are shopping for auto insurance. Shop around and do it yearly. Do not just keep paying your invoice over and over without comparison shopping.
Insurance agents really have a lot of leeway. They can price match and they can offer a lot of discounts. There are also a lot of decisions you canmake about your policy that will save you a bundle. For example, if you change your deductible on your collision from a $50 deductible to a $1000 deductible, youe inline for a huge premium savings. If you Do not think you can come up with $1000 out of pocket, then change it to a $500 deductible; youl still save a sizable amount on your annual premium payment. However, if they have an accident and totaled their vehicle, the insurance company will only pay them the wholesale value of the vehicle. The amount they would receive can be $1000 or less. A vehicle that old just needs the insurance that protects the other person in case of an accident.
Another method to save more on your insurance is by combining your vehicles and other insurance together to get you additional savings. All insurance companies offer a multi-car...