Auto Loans : Top 5 Tips For The Best Rate
You’ve got your eye on that shiny new Lexus – okay, maybe it’s a Kia, but it’s perfect and you want it to be yours, all yours – as soon as possible. At the same time, you certainly don’t want to be saddled with paying nearly double the car’s value by the time you finish paying off the car loan. Here are five tips to help you get the best possible interest rate on an auto loan to put the car of your dreams in your driveway.
1. Check your credit rating. If you don’t already know what’s in your credit report, this is a good time to find out. Before you apply for an auto loan, get a copy of your credit report to find out what surprises may be lurking in it. You may just find out that it contains erroneous information that should be corrected, or that there’s something negative on it that can be either explained away or fixed easily with a couple of phone calls or letters. Either way, it always helps to know what the credit reporting agencies are saying about you before you start shopping around for a loan.
2. If you have good to excellent credit…...