An individual business owner and trying your best to get by in the e-commerce world? Surely you get tired of answering the same repetitive questions every day, but you must remember that customer service is a key factor of running a successful business. If you have a designated e-mail address to answer customer service inquiries, you might want to look into autoresponders as a tool to make your life easier, or even replace an employee!
Autoresponders are one of the most underused and useful technologies available to business owners today. They can be used for everything from automated replies to common questions to a carefully scripted series of sales letters to your customer base for an ongoing stream of income. The power of this technology can turn the corner for a business looking for profit.
Autoresponders are so economical, you might think to yourself, Why didnt I do this earlier? Just as any other software or computer application, there are free and cheap ways of getting by. Autoresponders are great for answering frequently asked questions, and advertising. Whats better than free or cheap advertising? Nothing A few ways that an autoresponder will...