Green cars now so that my daughter will have places to drive at tomorrow… this is a clamor of an American father. Air pollution is everywhere and it is a big problem for most societies.
Air pollution is composed of many environmental factors. They include carbon monoxide, nitrates, sulfur dioxide, ozone, lead, secondhand tobacco smoke and particulate matter. Particulate matter, also known as particle pollution, is composed of solid and liquid particles within the air. It can be generated from vehicle emissions, tire fragmentation and road dust, power generation and industrial combustion, smelting and other metal processing, construction and demolition activities, residential wood burning, windblown soil, pollens, molds, forest fires, volcanic emissions and sea spray. These particles vary considerably in size, composition and origin.
As mentioned, vehicle emission is one of the biggest components. Busy and crowded streets of the United States contribute a lot to the worsening of the air pollution problem.
Carbon monoxide is a major component of air pollution. It is colorless, odorless and highly poisonous gas. It is associated with combustion reaction...