Chrones disease is a disorder in which the bowel system becomes inflamed and damage is often done as a result. The exact reasoning is unclear as to why, but the bodys immune system seems to react abundantly to a portion of the digestive tract that is actually quite healthy. As the area is pumped with white blood cells in preparation to fight a nonexistent enemy, it becomes inflamed. This inflammation allows the tissue to become damaged as stool passes through the digestive system.
There are several courses of treatment available for chrones disease, which typically fall into one of two categories: medication therapy or surgery. Of course, surgery is self-explanatory when an area becomes damaged excessively, it may be necessary to remove the portion of bowel to prevent a blockage or to remove an existing blockage. However, medication therapy is used considerably more.
Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to reduce the swelling of the tissue in the digestive system. Unfortunately, many of these have horrendous side effects, such as vomiting and severe headaches. Sulfasalazine, Mesalamine, and Corticosteroids are examples of medication often used to control...