Many people want to know how they can avoid bancruptcy, it can be a difficult question to answer, especially when you have to consider the individuals unique circumstances. This article is going to try to give you the ten best ways to help you avoid filing for personal bankruptcy. This advice is just that, it’s not legal advice and it certainly shouldnt be relied upon. You should seek qualified legal advice before making any decisions about your debt.
1. Idealy you need to increase the amount of money you have available to you every month. The best, and fastest way is to get a second job. You will only be able to take a second job if your full time job allows this. Even if the part time job only gives you two hundred dollars a week, that mounts up to 800 dollars a month, this will go a long way to reducing your debt. Write down all of the debts that you have, put the ones with the highest interest rate at the top as you will aim to pay these off first.
2. You must stop using your credit cards, they are the source of your trouble. If you can bear it then cut the cards up so that they can never be used again. Failing that you could give them to your wife. A...