Let’s face it, the last thing you want to be known as at Christmas time is the bad present giver. There is nothing worse than being sat with your family or friends at Christmas, only to watch the false smiles appear on their faces as you hand over a pair of socks and a box of chocolates for the third year running. If this sounds like you then you may just benefit reading this advice before it is too late.
Bad presents tend to fall into three categories, Thoughtless, Useless and Boring. If you have been unfortunate enough to receive any gift from that list then you should have an idea of an alternative which you would have been much happier with
Turn a thoughtless gift into a thoughtful gift
One of the obvious signs of a thoughtless gift is the rush’ factor. Regardless of the cost, a gift that looks like it has been bought in a hurry screams a like of thought and preparation. Even the most expensive bottle of champagne would not impress someone who is teetotal.
Taking your time and being organized is the key to making sure your gifts this year are your most thoughtful yet. The internet is perfect for helping you discover some great unique...