Professional looking websites stating that you can earn a diploma or degree online through their distance learning courses scam many students each year. Eager students who are looking for the best way to obtain an education are swayed by the fancy websites spewing statistics and testimonials. Many of these legitimate looking websites are merely covers for diploma or degree mills. A diploma or degree from a mill or other unaccredited institution will not get you far when you try to transfer credits or find a professional job. Avoid distance learning scams by knowing what to look for in a distance learning program before you apply.
Decent distance learning courses should be accredited. There are six regional accreditation agencies recognized by the Department of Education. Schools not accredited by these agencies may claim to have state recognition or accreditation. This is not the same as being accredited by a Department of Education approved agency. These schools are recognized as being educational businesses, and distance learning courses they offer probably are not transferable. When researching distance learning courses, call the school and verify that they are...