One of the worst parts of air travel is handling jet lag. Jet lag is basically your bodys inability to adjust to the destinations time as it passes through multiple time zones. For the inexperienced traveler (and some experienced ones) it can put a cramp in your business or holiday plans especially if your trip is only a few days.
The main symptoms of jet lag are fatigue and tiredness. This can be accompanied by headaches, dizziness, muscle soreness, a feeling of sickness and odd eating patterns. Being tired while on your holiday, especially if youre planning on doing a lot of sightseeing or physical activity can make if difficult to have an enjoyable time.
To prevent jet lag you have to start before your trip. Ensure you are relaxed and stress free before you leave for the airport. Dont drink caffeinated drinks and while alcohol may relax you it also dehydrates which can contribute to jet lag. Also consider doing some light exercise such as yoga or running but nothing that will make your muscles sore. Exercising aids your bodys sleep patterns.
Once on your flight, try to make yourself as comfortable as possible. Consider accessories that will help...