Avoid These Strategies, Keep Your Website Visitors Happy And Make Money
It is no secret that the success of your Internet Marketing Business is to a great extent dependent on the traffic you get. For the Internet Marketer who wants to make money,the website visitor is a very welcome person and his visit is most anxiously awaited. When this is the real scenario imagine webmasters adopting strategies and creating situations knowingly or unknowingly, forcing their website visitors to take a round about turn and flee from their websites. Why do this, and lose your visitors?
The disappointment and frustration the visitors experience sometimes is such that they vow never to return to these sites again and an opportunity to make money is lost for ever.
Given below are specific situations that visitors encounter when surfing the internet hoping to find some useful information.
1. Instruct your website visitors to register before entering your site without giving them any clue what your site is all about.
2. Have an Audio sound track on your home page and compel him to listen to your rhetoric without providing him any provision to turn it...