Getting together enough money for a downpayment can be rather difficult for many people these days. It often takes many years to be able to get enough. Now, though, there is a way that you can get the finances for your home even without a downpayment of any kind. Here are some tips and information about 80/20 mortgages.
The main reason, in the past, for requiring this size of a downpayment was to avoid the need for Private Mortgage Insurance. This insurance is required if you get a mortgage for more than 80% of the value of the home. It can add a couple of thousand dollars to your annual price (and tens of thousands of dollars over the life of the mortgage) – depending on the size of the house. Since most people don’t wish to pay it, or are unable to pay it, it only made sense to wait until you had the downpayment in hand before they ever bought a house.
Now, however, many lenders have come up with a new arrangement to help people buy a home that could never otherwise come up with a downpayment of this size. It is called an 80/20 mortgage. There are also mortgages available that use similar numbers, such as a 75/25 mortgage – but the idea is...