If you have a loan and are struggling to make the payments, you could end up falling into loan delinquency. Delinquency can be a big problem, although if you take some steps to get yourself back on track, you wont fall further behind. If you want to know more about how to avoid or get out of loan delinquency, then here are some useful tips to help you do just that.
What is delinquency?
Loan delinquency is when you fall behind with your monthly repayments. If you are late with just one payment, then you are technically classed as delinquent. Loan and credit repayments will appear on your credit report, so slipping into delinquency can seriously harm your credit rating. Also, if you are frequently delinquent with your loan repayments you could end up in default.
Delinquency to default
If you are continually delinquent with your payments, then you could end up in what is known as loan default. This means you have failed to pay back your loan due to persistent non-payment or late payment. If this happens, you could end up having to pay the whole amount back at once, or have your possessions taken from you. You could even end up in court if you cannot pay...