In learning anything new there is always a sharp learning curve, and youre sure to make a few mistakes a long the way, we all do. However in an effort to save you some grief and embarrassment along the way Ive compiled a short list of some common mistakes and how to avoid them. So read on, and enter the podcasting arena a few steps ahead of the competition.
Number One Reading from a script. While I strongly recommend writing out an outline of what you want to cover in your podcast it isnt necessary to read verbatim from a script. When most people try reading directly from a script they wind up sounding like Ben Stein. Bueller? It isnt entertaining and youll lose your audience before you even have a chance to get started. So unless you have a background in acting or extemporaneous reading its probably a good idea to forgo the script.
An easy solution is to make a list of talking points, note cards, or even a more detailed outline of what you intend to say in your podcast. So long as the format leaves room for improvisation it will come across as more friendly and conversational. It may take a few tries to get used to winging it, but youll sound much better. Its...