If the baby is very small, is a new born baby then it is accepted that he will get up many times at night. But in case of older babies, it is not accepted. It is very frustrating for the mother if the baby goes to sleep after a great deal of effort and then keeps waking up frequently. It is a big achievement for the mother if the baby sleeps uninterrupted throughout the night. However, if the baby is not sleeping well then you must start thinking about his day time activities and how these are affecting his sleeping pattern.
The babys biological clock is not yet set up and if you dont set a routine for them they find it difficult to settle down. Thus you must follow a fixed pattern. They automatically begin to understand when they are supposed to play and when to sleep and so on. When they are small we help them by setting a routine and we follow the routine as far as possible. For instance, in the mornings they can learn that it is bath, then feed, and then play. At evening they can learn that a story, feed and then lullaby is bedtime routine. Thus, if you follow this pattern for a while then the kids start remembering it.
You must also keep track of the times...