Baby Shower Recipes: Food Ideas For Your Shower

| Total Words: 487

Baby showers are generally held in the later stages of pregnancy (in the last 2 months, for instance). There are, however, certain cultural beliefs that make people purposefully wait for the baby to arrive before having a baby shower. Adoptive parents, at times, wait until after the adoption is final and the baby has arrived in their home.

Baby showers are generally organized by close friends, relatives, or co-workers of the expectant parents (because baby showers center on gift-giving, it is considered inappropriate for a family member to host such events).

In its early form, baby showers were held exclusively for mothers-to-be, and only women were invited to attend the party. In addition, baby showers were traditionally held only for the first child. Today, however, many people arrange baby showers for both parents, and they can now be also arranged for every succeeding children (even children who have been adopted).

Activities in a baby shower typically include games, special activies, presents, and, most especially, food.

Below are some of the most common baby shower recipes:

Pizza Sandwiches

Pizza sauce (can be store-bought or...

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