Have you ever experienced a hard drive failure? Normally, your data can be recovered from a failed hard drive. Janet, a client experienced her first hard drive failure last spring, this is her story.
Simply stated, Janet’s computer overheated. And Janet got the blue screen of death. After the blue screen, her computer would not boot. All of the normal troubleshooting methods were applied to no avail. So, the hard drive was sent out to a data recovery company. The good news is the company recovered 99% of Janet’s files. The bad news is it cost her $2,692.50. A data backup routine would have saved Janet a small fortune.
Now take a moment to think about all the documents, spreadsheets, data files, music, pictures and emails that are stored on your computer. Wow! It’s really your data that makes your computer indispensable. Your data is a vital asset to your professional and personal life. Unfortunately, many people only realize this after a hard drive crash, virus, or natural disaster destroys their files.
A data backup routine serves two purposes. A data backup routine protects your data. And if you store the backup data properly then it...