Let us go straight to the point to all these small talks and focus on the question that slices into the very hub of mans survival.
Bad boys or nice guys?
This is truly a matter of personality choice. Each has its own crowd of admirers, where every woman is ready to defend their dearly beloved partners.
However, the debates seemed to never cease. This is because women never have clear distinction as to what type of mate would they rather prefer. And after a long scurrilous deliberation and poll voting, it seems that the choice between bad boys and nice guys are endless discussions.
Sounds impossible? Read on.
According to survey polls online, nearly 30% of the women respondents have stated that the personality matters most. Though, it was not clearly identified what kind of personality that these women would want from the guys.
But there are some reports that the nice guys are apparently unappealing to most women. Why is this so? What could possibly cause this evident weakening magnet of the nice guys? Does that account for the reason why more men are behaving badly these days?
There are so many speculations why these things...