Bad Credit Automobile Loans – Tips On Finding A Good Lender
Much like the bad credit home loan market, the bad credit automobile loan market is a crowded and competitive arena. If you find yourself in the position of needing a bad credit automobile loan use caution in selecting your lender. While most lenders dealing in the bad credit car loan sector are honest, there are those who skirt the law with predatory loan practices. Knowledge is the best defense against these dishonest loan agents. Know more about your own credit than the lenders do. Arm yourself with a recent credit report and FICO score. If a lender says he has different information about your credit than you do, ask him for his sources. If at all possible deal with a financial institution where you already have a banking relationship. Many banks and credit unions will help you apply for “second chance” programs. They know that when they help their customers in the short run they will retain the business of those customers in the long run.
Be Careful With Who You Apply With – Be extremely cautious when responding to any solicitations from bad credit lenders no matter how those...