Bad Credit? Can’t Get a Credit Card? Yes You Can!
Most people don’t give much thought to the importance of credit until they need it. When they go to apply for a credit card they discover that their bad credit keeps them from getting a card, or a card at a decent rate. Most people want to pay their bills, and remain in good credit standing. Nobody wants to be seen as a deadbeat to the credit card companies, but because of a couple of tight financial situations in the past they cannot get approval for a credit card. There is a way around this problem.
There are a few companies out there that understand your situation, and want to help you to obtain a better credit rating. These companies offer secured credit cards. A secured credit card is a card that you make a deposit to which determines your credit limit. You can use your card just like any credit card, but your purchases are limited to your deposited amount, (similar to a debit card). Before applying for a secured credit card you must make sure that the card reports to the major credit reporting agencies. If they do not report then that card is nothing better than a glorified debit card. In...