Check-books and paying with cash is becoming less frequent as more people are using plastic to pay for purchases. Checkbooks are being replaced by debit cards and the use of credit cards is rising. Online shopping has helped fuel the need for a credit card. Unfortunately people with bad credit are normally not approved for a credit card. It is not hopeless, there are avenues for those with bad credit histories to enter or return to the world of plastic.
Bad credit – credit cards are offered by many companies. This became a necessity since individuals with low incomes or credit problems would be declined for a low interest, no fee credit card. Many of these companies use what is called Risk Based Pricing. What this does is they have several types of offerings with different interest rates. The rate they offer is based on your credit score. So if you apply for one card you may get declined but offered a card with a higher rate. This is an excellent way for someone with a bit of a negative credit history to be approved for a bad credit, credit card.
So what about those individuals with no credit or extremely negative credit? They may need to look at another...