Bad Credit Credit Card – How To Increase Your Credit Score With Credit Cards
Credit cards are often the first step for a consumer to build their credit score. When you make regular payments with a small credit limit, lenders will be more willing to lend you larger amounts. Before you jump out and open an account, make sure you dont have too many credit lines open or otherwise hurt your credit.
Pick A Good Card
Credit card companies offer several different types of credit cards for consumers. You can find student programs that require no co-signer or income. This is a great offer for your first card, but these cards also have higher rates.
You can also find cards with cash back rewards or other incentives. The trade-off are higher rates though. However, you can find no frill cards with low interest rates if you plan to carry a balance. Whichever credit card program you choose, make sure it fits with your financial goals.
Start Small
When you are building your credit score, you want to start small. Open one account and use it at least once a month to make a purchase. This can be a regular purchase that you have cash to pay for. The...