It is a common problem to find oneself owing others staggering sums of money. Even highly successful individual may encounter these situations, especially if they are not careful to keep a log of their spendings, or if they use multiple credit cards. The only way to stay on top of your debt situation is constant vigilance with regard to credit card and other types of payments that are made. These eventualities are often exacerbated by the intense marketing that the credit card companies invest in, and the devious tactics that are used to lure in innocent citizens. Often, free credit cards are simply received in the mail, unsolicited, and it is notoriously difficult to keep track of multiple charge accounts.
It is extremely important not to fall for all the various gimmicks and scams that abound in the credit card world. You may not realize the true costs or rates of interest that you are being charged. It is vital to realize that the fewer credit cards you use, the more money you are saving yourself. Try to adopt this method as early on in your financial life as possible, so that you will avoid unpleasant encounters with credit card company bills in the future. If you...