Bad Credit Home Loan Financing – Take It To The Bank
It used to be pretty easy to get bad credit home loan financing. Countrywide specialized in these mortgages. But, we all know what happened to Countrywide it went belly up and Bank of America was forced to buy up its bad assets. Therefore, bad credit home loan financing is less available today.
That doesnt mean you cant get bad credit home loan financing. It just means youll have to dig a little deeper to find it.
The first thing you should do is determine whether you really are a subprime borrower. Many people are pleasantly surprised to find that they have better credit scores than they had thought. If your credit score is better than 620, you probably dont need bad credit home loan financing you can get into a traditional mortgage.
Secondly, if you are on the border if you have credit between 580 and 620 try to raise your score. Get your credit report and challenge any inaccuracies. If you have any bad debts, make good on them in exchange for the lender marking them paid in full on your return.
But, if these tricks dont get you into normal mortgage territory and you still need...