Honestly, I’m not a bag person. I don’t even know the difference between a tote and a handbag. (Wait, they are different, right?) Anyway, I don’t like carrying bags and my general rule is, if I can’t fit it in my pocket, it’s not going with me. However, all these changed when I went freelance and got myself an Apple laptop. I mean, I carry my business with me, and often I need to give presentations to prospective clients. Apple would give me the sophistication I lacked. Back to bags, a friend gave me one as a gift to my new freelance business. I told him that I don’t need nor want one. Then he asked me the question I haven’t even thought about. How am I going to carry my laptop? I gave him a grin and asked for the bag back. Call these things anything you want: computer bags, laptop bags, laptop cases, computer carrying case, laptop carrying case; I call them lifesavers. I am now a proud owner of three: black, checked, and in print.
Laptop bags are essential bags you use to carry your laptop around. Thinking that you’re old backpack would do? Think again, because computer bags, laptop bags, laptop cases, computer carrying...