Only two out of three credit card customers pay their balances off every month, paying more than they should (and could). If youre one of them, do not despair; with a credit card balance transfer you could easily do a balance transfer and save! If you recently made a big purchase but you cant possibly make your payment on time, try using a balance transfer credit card that would allow you to you could save a lot of money transferring your balance to other balance transfer credit cards that will allow a very low or even a 0% APR on balance transfers.
Sounds confusing? Not at all! Heres how this can be done. You fill out an application for a new balance transfer credit card; enter your other credit card accounts and the amount you want transferred from the old account to the new one. Your balance switches accounts, and your interest costs plummet. Generally, you will have up to a year to pay this balance off with a zero percent (or very low) interest rate.
Some other traditional credit cards will even offer a low interest rate over the lifetime of the balance until its paid off. If you are not sure if you could pay the whole balance in the prearranged...