Balance transfer credit cards are those that make an excellent choice for transferring balances from one card to the other. The main purpose behind transferring balances is to remove debt from a card with a higher interest rate to one with a lower interest rate. In this way, the consumer can save money by reducing or even eliminating finance charges. When looking for the best balance transfer credit cards, it is important to look at a variety of factors.
The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is one of the first factors a consumer should consider when looking for the best balance transfer credit cards. Credit card companies are hoping to steal your business away from other credit card companies. As a result, they often make special introductory offers with lowered interest rates for balance transfers. In many cases, this APR will even be 0.00%. Be sure to find the balance transfer credit card offering the lowest APR, and then only use that card for your balance transfer. Don’t use it to make any purchases. This is what the credit card companies are hoping consumers will do so they can assess finance charges on the purchases they make with their...