Transferring Credit card balance is a good way of minimizing credit card debt, and can also be a way out of the burden of debt. Credit card issuers, realizing the demand of balance transfers among customers, bring about good offers on balance transfers. With plenty of credit card companies around, the card issuers are facing stiff competition. The following points should be kept in mind while going ahead for a balance transfer.
It is important to ensure that the balance transfers are done on time, without overlapping offer periods from one card to other, which could cost you high interest rates. Please note that each bank will move at different speeds in responding to customer requests. Ensure that the credit card offers with zero balance transfer are always immediate and are applicable at the time of your application. There is no point in applying for a transfer when the offer period is about to end. While opting for a balance transfer that is free of interest, watch out for any charges hidden in small print. An offer of 0 APR (Zero Annual Percentage Rate) should exactly mean what it conveys.
The kind of card from which balance transfers are made is also crucial....