All women have uneven breasts, but as much as 45% have noticeable breast size difference.. This means a half cup size or more that is sometimes noticeable even under clothing. Lets first discuss some underlying reasons why this happens.
Body alignment. When the body is perfectly aligned, muscles and fat deposits tend to be dispersed more equally. Think how perfectly the body of a baby or toddler is formed. As we grow older, environmental stress, sleep patterns, posture, injury and disease can cause the body to go out of alignment. This results in over or under development of muscles, and uneven distribution of fluids and fat.
Right or left hand dominance. Most women will find that the larger breast is on the side of their dominant hand. This is due to the muscles of the arm and pectoralis majors and minors getting a larger share of the work load. Lifting, pushing, pulling, think of all you do in a days work. I knew of a young lady that worked at my favorite ice cream establishment that had to quit her job because of extreme over development from scooping the cold, hard ice cream.
Breast Feeding. No matter how hard we try to feed evenly on both...