When I was a kid, I loved twisting Balloon Animals. When ever I had one made for me, I couldnt wait to take it apart and put it back together. Of course they usually would pop on me in the process. But I think that this was the enticement. Trying to remake the balloon animal with out it popping was exciting for me as a seven year old child.
It wasnt long before I set out to learn how to really make balloon animals for myself. In 1988, though we didnt have the internet as we have it now. Since I could search the internet for instructions or directions, I went to the local library. This is still a great place to learn about stuff, whatever that maybe. I liked this approach because it didnt require me to actually purchase the how to balloon book that I probably would open after a couple of weeks anyways.
Today, however, we do have the internet, to much the detriment of many libraries. So if you have a kid, or are a kid, and think that learning how to make balloon animals are a pretty neat idea, go ahead and search for instructions on how to make balloon animals. If I may suggest, start with the basic balloon dog. Don;t worry it’ll be fun.
The balloon...