All school systems should have goals. These goals must be attainable, however. While these centers of learning must know where they headed and how they are going to get there, it seems that they are becoming more and more unreasonable in their expectations. Perhaps they should be classified more as performance dreams; because no matter how many times you write all students will doesnt mean its going to happen. Baltimore Schools, just like many others throughout the nation, have these types of goals, while they might be admirable, theyre completely unattainable.
Performance Wishes of Baltimore Schools
Baltimore Schools list eight performance goals as part of their mission of education. Some of them are more attainable than others, but none of them can be completely accomplished. This is simply due to the fact that schools are run by and inhabited by humans. We are not perfect, and are completely fallible. Just because students attend Baltimore Schools and teachers teach at Baltimore Schools does not mean that they are better than any others attending or teaching at any other school in the United States. Of course, we must hold all to high standards, but it must be...