Americans generally have one thing in common debt. Were you expecting something else? Sadly, whatever plans we make or whatever we claim when we are in our youth, we manage to some how get into debt. For most people, especially applies to student type loans and credit cards. Yes, college somehow changes how we do things. Next thing you know you are married with some children, a hefty mortgage, car repayments and mountains of credit card type debts. Its now time to eliminate credit card debt today. Of course you must be asking how this can be done, and get it done today? Well, hopefully you are a movie fan because Heat isnt so far from the truth. Eliminating credit card debt that way is foolhardy because jail is not where you want to go. Your interest would go even higher. Ouch!
Yes, everyone wants to know the secret to getting rid of credit card debts the fastest way possible. That goes without saying. The question should be how do we start? For some of you this will be a major challenge, but for me its simple. Frankly the most sensible thing to do right now is to evaluate how many cards you have and how much interest you are paying on them. Yes, write it down now! How...