1. MABUS: Nostradamus named the Anti-Christ as Mabus. Now try this on for size: OBAMA+BUSH=OBAMABUSH. Now look at the middle few letters of the word. MABUS
2. 2012: Nostradamus said that the world would end in 2012. If Obama wins the elections, he will be president till at least 2012.
3. Religion: Obamas father was Muslim. His middle name is Hussein.
4. Iraq: Obama wants to pull out troops from Iraq.
5. He is Pro-Abortion.
6. He wants to bring about peace in the middle-east. It is stated that the Anti-Christ will bring about peace in the middle-east.
7. He will be a world leader. Barack Obama will be the leader of the most powerful country in the world if he is elected.
8. Obama advocates that people use contraception, this directly violates the...