There’s nothing worse than having to take your shoes off and exposing rough cracked heels, corns, bunions and blisters. Our feet carry us many miles on a daily basis and they deserve special treatment after a long day. The following are a few basic tips to get your feet ready for year-round exposure and not just for spring or summer sandals.
1) Blisters, corns and bunions, Oh My! Those pointy toe shoes are cute and in-style but your feet suffer greatly. A lot of foot ailments are due to neglect and abuse. According to the APMA all three foot ailments can be helped or prevented by wearing the proper foot wear, which is what my grandmother would tell me over and over again…needless to say, I didn’t listen. The American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) suggest using over the counter creams (avoiding acid preparations) and exfoliating products on corns. Blister shouldn’t be broken, but if broken wash with soap and water; apply an anitseptic ointment and cover to prevent infection. Bunions can be helped by wearing shoes that have a wide toe box and consulting your podiatrist. If you suffer from diabetes consult your medical doctor or podiatrist to...