Studying offshore is one experience not taken by too many students around the world. Most students usually aim to stay in their home countries and pursue their college and degrees in domestic universities. To the few who have the guts and the resources to study abroad, it is a privilege. However, it is not without its setbacks and usual challenges.
Foreign students should fly to the country of destination and spend some considerable amount of time there, until their academic programs are complete. Being in another country is hard because there are always cultural differences. Here are some tips that will help foreign students survive living and studying abroad:
– Have your visa, passport and other pertinent travel and education documents photocopied; keep the photocopies in a secure area. You should do so to protect yourself and spare yourself potential troubles if you happen to lose the original documents.
– Do not bring huge sums of cash when going out of your house or flat. Be observant and keep away from suspicious-looking strangers. Robbers usually victimize foreigners because they think foreigners are easy and not always suspecting. Also,...