Be Careful With A Highly Scented Candle Some People Are Allergic To Scents
Before you give a highly scented candle as a gift, you should first inquire about how this person feels about candles that are heavily scented. Depending on the scent you use, it may not matter whether or not the candle is highly scented. This is because some scents, such as vanilla and lavender, are mild and it doesnt matter how much of the oil is used to make a highly scented candle. Other stronger scents may be harder to take in high doses, which is why you do need to be careful about giving a highly scented candle to someone that is sensitive to scents.
Some of the scents used in making a highly scented candle do not smell like flowers or earthy aromas. Try a heavily scented candle with the aroma of angel food cake. This particular scent has undertones of cherry to produce a great aroma in your kitchen. Since the scent of home baked goodies rarely bothers anyone, this is one type of heavily scented candle that you can use freely. Get a hint of Grandmas kitchen with candles scented with hot baked apple pie. This is one of the scents that will surely take you back to the days of your...