Be Debt Free Today Budgeting Solutions For Personal Finance Dilemmas
Do you want to be debt free today? If you have the money in the bank, of course, you can pay off all of your bills. However, for most of us, being debt free today is more of a mentality than a reality.
Being debt free today means no mortgage, no auto loans, and no credit card bills. It means that everything you earn goes into your pocket for spending this month or for saving for the future.
In todays consumer culture, that doesnt seem likely for most people. In fact, most Americans dig themselves deeper in debt each and every month.
But, if the current economic slowdown has shown us anything, it is that we have to become more responsible consumers.
People bought bigger houses than they could afford assuming that the housing market would rise forever. They thought that when their interest only loans ran out and they would have to pay the principal, they would just refinance at a new, lower rate. They were wrong, and they have suffered foreclosures in massive numbers as a result.
But it is not just the home market where irrational exuberance took hold. People went out...