Identity theft is now more prevalent than ever. A person can use your personal information, bank details or credit card details without your permission for personal gain. This is a fraudulent use of your information and normally will cause you, the victim, varying degrees of loss and inconvenience and therefore identity theft avoidance methods are more important than ever.
Consider for a moment the trail of information you leave behind you when you pay the pizza delivery guy with a check – you may be asked to write your name and address on the back and that piece of paper, with your personal and bank details on it, goes through various hands before it makes it’s way back to your own bank. Any unscrupulous person in that chain could have access to your finances and potentially clear your account. Being aware of these issues is the first step towards identity theft avoidance.
The most important thing you should do in order to avoid identity theft is to be aware in every situation where you have to divulge your personal information or where others could potentially use it.
Here are three identity theft avoidance tips to help you:
1. Always...