We all wish that our credit cards were interest free all the time. How much pleasure would it be to know that what you spend is what you pay back and there would be no interest to pay. What is happening is the credit card companies are fighting it out to see who can get the most customers and one way is to offer us 0% interest deals.
The credit card companies are offering introductory offers including 0% on balance transfers and purchases for 6 or 9 months, so everything you buy is interest free how great is that! These offers are becoming more popular by the month, the credit card companies realise we will go with these credit cards first and that interest free deals for any period of time is a great way to pull in the customers.
Break free from your high interest credit card
All credit cards can be interest free if you pay off your full balance on time and at the end of every month, but most of us cannot afford to do this. When the APR comes into force, usually a typical rate of 15-20% will be charged. There are however some better rates about if you are willing to search for them, including a rate of 9% and maybe even lower. Always check what your...