Many of us may be strict when it comes to cleanliness. We always want to keep things tidy and as much as possible ensure that our things are not in any way contaminated with harmful bacteria. But we women quite often forget that there is one daily routine that could harm us with allergies, breakouts and even serious infections. We may not be aware but our make-up products and paraphernalia could be a breeding ground for germs and microorganisms that can cause harm on our skin.
It is quite important to store make-up products and tools properly to prevent this from happening. Although most cosmetic products contain preservatives to prevent bacteria from thriving in them, there are certain factors that we cannot control like exposure to light and heat that can alter the effect of these preservatives. It is also important to note that these products have a shelf life. It has been a bad habit for most of the female population to be keeping tons of make-up in their kits without being aware of the fact that it has been there for quite some time and is no longer wearable. It is also not good to store most of these make-up products in our bathroom wherein it is humid for this...