Be Your Own Boss And Dont Let Your Bank Credit Card Own You
Owning a credit card has numerous benefits, of course, but these benefits can also be your downfall. While the process of applying for a credit card and getting approved is a grueling process, getting out of credit card debt is definitely ten times harder so dont wait for that to happen. Be your own boss now and let your credit card know whos in charge!
Tips to Choosing and Managing Your Bank Credit Card
Smart and Practical Shopping If you can afford to pay by cash, do so because cash payments allow you to enjoy lower prices and zero interest fees. Secondly, dont use your credit card to buy for things that you dont really need. Its better to think of your credit card as an emergency lifeline or a genie lamp that can come up only with a limited number of wishes. Use it only when necessary.
Not All Promos are for You Credit cards regularly make promotional offers to their clients and although all these promos do have benefits, that doesnt mean you should take up every carrot theyre dangling in front you. Some promos, for instance, require you to use your credit card in order to obtain a...