Be your own Travel Planner, Make Sure your Belongings are Secure while Traveling, TripMama
For many, one of the worst things that can happen while traveling is having your belongings lost or stolen. Trying to maintain a security-conscious mindset is one of the most effective ways to minimize potential risks. Following some common steps, and training yourself to carry them out instinctively will help keep your travels free of the expense and hassle of replacing missing items.
First and foremost, your belongings are only as secure as you are willing to keep them. If you are careless, or don’t follow all the reasonable steps you should, a certain amount of risk creeps in. Nothing you can do will 100% guarantee any item is secure. Keep this in mind when packing for the trip. Consider whether you can afford to lose any item you pack, both financially and emotionally. Think about what can easily be bought at your destination so that you can leave more behind. Before you leave, look into an appropriate amount of insurance. If you are traveling to a foreign country, especially one that is known for pickpockets and theft, get as much insurance as you can afford. It...