It is a well documented fact that within the business of trading the financial markets, as much as 90 % of the participants lose and continue to lose money. So if 90 % are losing, that therefore means that 10% are gaining each and every time.
In order to improve my own trading record, I deliberately set out to try and discover what it was I had to do to become one of the 10% (The Winners) who are consistently making money from the unfortunate remaining 90% (The Losers) who dont.
My research and investigations was to speak to as many successful traders as I could, to read as many articles, publications and books which have been written by successful traders. It wasnt until I started my research, that I quickly realised just how much has been and no doubt will continue to be written about trading and the psychology of trading. What is even more astounding is the amount that has been written by so called gurus who actually havent made any significant amounts of money from a business that they are supposed to be experts in. I will tell you about some of my findings relating to these authors in future articles.
It is my intention to publish my findings in a...