Become a Shark Pool Tips for a Fish out of Water!
So its Friday night, and youre out on the town with your mates. Youre well dressed and youve had a few drinks. Isnt life grand? You puff away on your cigarette, sipping a pint, and round the pool table considering your next shot. You are keenly aware of the gorgeous woman sitting at the bar, watching your every move. Follow these pool rules, and show her that you are as slick as your slicked-back hair!
Now you may be wondering who gets to break? The traditional way of determining who gets to break is a method called “lagging”. Both players line up their ball at the head string (the line on the table). Shoot your ball to the far rail, and bank it straight back towards yourself without touching the rail you are standing closest to. Have your opponent do the same. Whoever has the ball closest to the rail, without touching it, gets to break. Hitting a side rail is an immediate disqualification.
When you are racking the balls, they should be frozen or touching slightly. The lead ball must be on the foot spot (the dot on the felt). The “8” ball must be in the center of the...