The physical pain I experienced during the writing of my first newsletter, or when I first designed and wrote copy for my website, and anything else that was and is a first time event for me, is very real and very uncomfortable.
The upside of this is once the new is mastered, the physical pain miraculously disappeared.
For me its a comfort zone thing.
I really know Im alive when Im outside my comfort zone.
The comfort zone is an amazing place of security, comfort, safety, and protection. Stepping out this zone can be scary and lonely, and involves stretching and growing; this is the bit where physical pain comes into it.
When I was little I remember my mother telling me I was suffering from growing pains because my legs ached, or my knees ached, as a matter of fact anything that ached was due to growing pains. Expanding the comfort zone for me is much the same.
The best thing of course is the end result! This will be when mastery has finally been reached and with it increased inner strength and confidence.
This doesnt just apply to the big stuff. This applies across the board no matter how big or small.
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