In the past I held positions of responsibility and always had others who did the doing things for me. I used to supervise personnel; I tended to be in charge of my own work unit, and my own time.
I once attended a job interview where I was asked by members of the interview panel how would I organize and set up a telephone conference. I replied that I would email/telephone the IT guys with dates and times and have them do it.
To my horror, I learned that apparently I was the one responsible for this task and would have to arrange this telephone conference myself. Gee that sucked! Needless to say I immediately lost interest in the job (nor did I get it, for some strange reason). Whenever I retell this story I still manage to laugh at my reaction What, I have to organize what? Thank goodness for my attitude readjustment!
Over the years Ive had many job and career changes and with each role someone would always be available who I could count on to help me out. Always, without fail!
Never having to worry about all that other stuff kept me a prisoner of my own comfort zone. There was always someone else who did that stuff while I got on with...