Quilt is a bed or a bed cover of three layers with the middle one being stuffed and if all three are tied at regular intervals by thread or yarn, such quilts are called as tied quilts. The two outer layers differ in fabric and pattern as one is a plain backline the other is the top.
Quilts, Use Them as You Like
Quilts are most comforting beds or bed covers particularly suited for cold weathers. People would prefer quilt woolen blanket or bed sheets. Generally bedding, decorative, armory are the usual domestic uses. But looking at the patterns and further possibilities, you can say there is practically no limit on how and where you want to use them.
You may wonder to know there are quilt artists for whom quilt making is a full time profession. Quilts are also used as educational tools which students use for making images, patterns. Trekkers like to carry quilts with them instead of heavier beds for convenience.
But quilts have a serious side of the story too. There is an American religion which goes by the name Amish whose members follow the Mennonite religion. Amish people dont believe in being flashy and chauvinistic in their worldly affairs and they...