A metal detector should not be bought solely on the suggestion of one person (no matter how good a friend). If you are new to the hobby, you should realize that long time detector users can be very committed to the particular model and brand of detector that they have been using. They are generally unfamiliar with anything newer or different. Be it out of sheer hobby or more on the professional level, you really would not perform well treasure hunting if you do not have a good metal detector to explore with.
Hand-held Metal Detectors are designed to safeguard security-sensitive areas like schools, courtrooms, corrections facilities, sports events, businesses, nightclubs, bars and other public areas and events. They are used along with walk-through metal detectors. In 1881, Alexander Graham Bell constructed one of the worlds first metal detectors in an attempt to find an assassin’s bullet in President James Garfield. Fischer patented a portable version in 1931.
Beep beeps: Understanding Metal Detector Signal
Treasure hunters love to use metal detectors because they aid them in searching for those hard to find metal items planted in the ground. When...