Not every web hosting plan is built alike, nor is every web hosting provider. When you start shopping around for your next web hosting provider, there are certain criteria youll want to hone in on, namely: disk space, bandwidth, upload/download speeds, security and reliability, customer service, references/testimonials, and guarantees. Well take them one by one below.
Disk Space and Bandwidth
Disk space is the storage space your web hosting provider allows you for all the files that make up your website (from image galleries to databases to HTML and ASP docs, etc.). Bandwidth is the amount of data transfer your web hosting provider permits you in a given period (usually a month). Its disk space that determines how rich and elaborate your site can be. Its bandwidth that determines how much traffic you can accommodate. Gauge properly for the best results — in other words, dont spend a bundle for more than you need, but get yourself more than enough to allow for the traffic (and the growth) you anticipate in your best-case scenarios.
Upload/Download Speeds
When someone visits your website online, how long will it take the page to...