People with depression may find even the smallest task to be a huge obstacle that it keeps them from acting on things they need to address or work on. Too many times, moving forward in life poses a challenge and requires discomfort. Most people go through periods of adjustment during transition from middle school to high school to college, or from one job to another. But depression can make these situations a tougher time to cope with. This doesn’t mean that they are less capable than anyone else. It’s their lack of confidence or the talent for imagining worst case scenario that make it hard for them to face the realities of life.
However, the results of a new study show that the right kind of coaching, encouragement, and education may be an effective treatment for depression. Very recently, a team of psychologists at the University of Washington compared four types of depression treatment: behavioral activation, cognitive-behavioral therapy, an antidepressant medication, and a placebo pill.
About 250 people with major depression were assigned to one of the 4 treatment groups. After a period of four months, patients in the behavioral activation (BA)...